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Holy Spirit Catholic Church
227 Third Street Two Harbors MN 55616
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daily podcast
Liturgy of the Hours, Part 2 - 12/16/20
Advent and the Liturgy of the Hours - 12/2/20
The Importance of Liturgical Language - 11/25/20
Liturgical Colors - 11/17/20
Marriage - Marital Consent - 11/17/20
Marriage - Annulments Part 2 - 10/28/20
Marriage - Annulments Part 1 10/21/20
Favorite Saints - 11/7/20
The Process of Canonization - 9/30/20
Marriage - What makes a marriage 9/23/20
Sacrament of Marriage - Introduction - 9/16/20
Sacramentals - Desecration of Part 2 9/9/20
September 4, 2020 - NO PODCAST
Sacramentals - Part 1 - 9/2/20
Holy Orders - Male Only Priests - 8/19/20
Holy Orders - 8/14/20
August 12,2020 - NO PODCAST
Priesthood - 8/7/20
Priestly Celibacy - Part 1 - 8/5/20
Priestly Celibacy - Part 2 - 8/5/20
Priestly Celibacy - Introduction - 7/31/20
The Celebration of Holy Orders - 7/29/20
Holy Orders - The Ordination Ritual - 7/24/20
Holy Orders - The Explanatory Rite - 7/22/20
Holy Orders - Ordination Ceremonies - 7/17/20
Common Priesthood - 7/15/20
The Origin of Holy Orders - 7/10/20
Sacrament of Holy Orders - 7/8/20
Holy Eucharist - "Pledge of Future Glory" - 6/26/20
The Reception of the Holy Eucharist - 6/24/20
June 19, 2020 No podcast today; see diocesan news about our new Bishop-elect!
Holy Eucharist - Bread & Wine to Body & Blood - 6/14/20
The Dignity off the Eucharistic Sacrifice - 6/10/20
The Basis of Holy Eucharist - 6/5/20
Sacrament of Holy Eucharist - 6/3/20
New Pandemic Protocols - Why does Priest Receive Eucharist At Every Mass? - 5/29/20
New Protocols For Receiving Communion During Pandemic - 5/27/20
New Protocols Concerning Mass During Pandemic - 5/17/20
Today's Saint, St. Isidore - 5/15/20
Today's Saint, St. Matthias - 5/14/20
News of Bishop Elect Peter Muhich - 5/12/20
May 11, 2020 - No Podcast Today
Reconciliation - Seal of Confession - 5/10/20
Confession - Absolution - 5/9/20
Sacrament of Confession - 5/8/20
Forms of Sin - 5/7/20
Why Go To Confession - 5/6/20
Priests, In Persona Christi Capitis - 5/5/20
The Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit, Part 2 - 5/4/20
The Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit, Part 1 - 5/3/20
St. Athanasius, Effects of Confirmation - 5/2/20
Confirmation, History & Practice of - 5/1/20
Sacrament of Confirmation - 4/30/20
The Gifts of Baptism - 4/29/20
Catholic Practice of Baptizing Babies - 4/28/20
The Necessity of Baptism - 4/27/20
The Sacrament of Baptism - 4/26/20
The Definition of a Sacrament, Part 2 - 4/25/20
The Definition of a Sacrament, Part 1 - 4/24/20
Intro. to the Seven Sacraments - 4/23/20
Making the Best of the "Stay At Home" Order - 4/22/20
Click for Father James Coyle's messages to Catholics during the 1918 Spanish Flu epidemic
Father James Coyles messages to Catholics during the 1918 Spanish Flu epidemic, Part 2 - 4/21/20
Father James Coyles messages to Catholics during the 1918 Spanish Flu epidemic, Part 1 - 4/20/20
The Exsultet, Part 6 - 4/19/20
The Exsultet, Part 5 - 4/18/20
The Exsultet, Part 4 - 4/17/20
The Exsultet, Part 3 - 4/16/20
The Exsultet, Part 2 - 4/15/20
The Exsultet, Part 1 - 4/14/20
What is an Octave?; The Exsultet, Intro. - 4/13/20
Click here for the Hymns and Readings for the Sacred Triduum podcasts
The Easter Sequence - Easter Sunday, 4/12/20
Reading, "From an Ancient Homily on Holy Saturday" - 4/11/20
Vexilla Regis Prodeunt - Good Friday, 4/10/20
Pange Lingua - Holy Thursday, 4/9/20
Loneliness of Jesus in His Death on the Cross - 4/8/20
Catholics Are Truly an Incarnate People - 4/7/20
Discussion on Prayer, Part 10 - 4/6/20
Discussion on Prayer, Part 9 - 4/5/20
Discussion on Prayer, Part 8 - 4/4/20
Discussion on Prayer, Part 7 - 4/3/20
Discussion on Prayer, Part 6 - 4/2/20
Words of Encouragement after Presidents Covid-19 Warnings - 4/1/20
Discussion on Prayer, Part 5 - 3/31/20
Discussion on Prayer, Part 4 - 3/30/20
Discussion on Prayer, Part 3 - 3/29/20
Discussion on Prayer, Part 2 - 3/28/20
Discussion on Prayer, Part 1 - 3/27/20
Progressive Solemnity - 3/26/20
The Annunciation of The Lord - 3/25/20
Spiritual Nourishment without Mass and the Holy Eucharist - 3/23/20
Spiritual Communion - 3/22/20
God is Not Bound By His Sacraments - 3/20/20